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We’re elovee.

We are excited to launch elovee, a healthcare startup focused on developing technology to improve day-to-day care for seniors with dementia. We are backed by Koru, an incubation platform designed to drive breakout growth by building a portfolio of new digital ventures across the private equity, infrastructure, and natural resources spaces. Koru was created by the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (“Ontario Teachers’”) and BCG Digital Ventures’ (“BCGDV”); Ontario Teachers’ is one of the world’s leading private equity and infrastructure investors with $190+ billion in net assets as at December 31, 2018.

elovee was founded based on the idea that we can improve the experience of aging through technology. With an initial focus on seniors with dementia, a population of 50 million globally and set to triple by 2050, we seek to increase the quality of life for our users by providing comforting interactions with a loved one’s likeness. We combine data science, design and cognitive psychology expertise to deliver comforting, empathetic voice and visual interactions with loved ones, available 24/7. Our aim is to be the world’s leading dementia care platform, comforting seniors, empowering caregivers, and bolstering loved ones’ relationships.

We are looking for a Conversational Designer to join this disruptive startup. This role is intended to provide expertise in conversation design to support the UX team responsible for designing conversations for seniors with dementia. You’ll leverage your expert knowledge of human language and communication to create seamless and natural interactions for digital systems delivered to a sensitive population.




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